The holidays are always a super-busy, super-stimulating time for me. So much is going on. My spouse is a regional officer for a national volunteer organization and attends many local chapter meetings. During the holidays, when these groups have their holiday parties, I go with him. I enjoy going to these social gatherings but as an HSP, mingling with large groups of people always pull a lot of energy from me. With so many at one time, I begin to feel very drained.

This, of course, is in addition to all the other demands that the holidays place on us. Also, this year there was a family crisis we had to deal with, at the very same time that the holidays were taking place. It was the type that required endless time, attention, and emotional concentration.
The previous four weeks have depleted me to exhaustion. I made the difficult decision to take a hiatus from writing my two blogs, this one and my author column. The conscientious side of me kept telling me I was shirking my responsibility. The compassionate side of me told me it was inevitable, something I had to do.
I am now emerging from that very intensive period of depletion (surprisingly to myself), with greater focus, some new ideas, and a recommitment to my personal values. Here is what I’ve learned from my absolute need for hiatus.
The Resiliency of HSP Energy
When we feel depleted, over-stimulated, and exhausted, it can devastate us. It is so disheartening to experience an energy low. I felt as if I might never bounce back. There were times when all I could do was continue to walk our dogs, play with my new kitten, and spend time alone reading or indulging my various interests on the Internet. I felt guilty because these were all “time-wasting” activities when I had piles of work I was getting behind on.
As HSPs, these “time-wasters” are anything but. They allow us the ability to restock our energy. Through nature, time alone, and purely solo pursuits, we allow our internal resources to germinate once again. We draw energy from the silent power these activities work on us. Before we know it, we become restored and rejuvenated.
Greater Creativity
As I emerged into my newly acquired buildup of energy, it spurred my imagination. Inspiration seeped into my awareness and new ideas began to appear. I am so excited to explore these ideas further.
Deepening of Positive Traits
Having come through a low point, I have renewed resolve. I am committed anew to the values that drive my daily activities. These include my desire to spread light and love, sharing the insight that comes with age, and the work I continue to do on my own personal growth.
If we are to become who we are meant to be – if we are to soar to the heights that we demand of ourselves – we must know and honor our limits. We must obey our internal compass when it tells us to step back and practice a little self-care through taking a break. That hiatus is just as important to our destiny as the work is.
Copyright 2023, Monica Nelson