Recognizing the Oz Within

I love the classic film, The Wizard of Oz. Not only is it a compelling story that I never tire of watching, it is a stunning example of the differences in perception between highly sensitive people (HSPs) and the rest of the population. If you know the story, you know that the main character, Dorothy, lives in Kansas. Here is the black, white and every shade in between of the world we know. You can perceive reality in its starkest, most fundamental state.

Dorothy is like most of the rest of the population of our planet. She knows no different, that is until she lands in Oz. She opens the door into a vibrant and brilliant world. One that shines. It is a wonder to the eyes and to the other senses. Life takes on a whole new energy. Her vision is crisper, and it presents her world in a different light to her.

Explore what lies beyond the rainbow
“Double rainbow seen from Lower Mammoth” by YellowstoneNPS is marked under CC PDM 1.0.

But color or lack of color is not the only difference between Kansas and Oz. She is surprised by the idiosyncrasies of Oz. All the elements of life are there, but they declare themselves in strange new ways. Dorothy is surprised by these differences enough to tell her little dog, “I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.“

We HSPs are born into a black and white world, seeing the wonder of Oz. If you are like myself, you spent much of your life trying to push your Oz perception into the Kansas landscape. But now you are realizing that Oz is where you belong. If so, this blog is for you.

Here, we will

  • Explore the advantages that your highly sensitive nature gives you;
  • Learn how to better face the challenges of the negative aspects of high sensitivity; and,
  • Learn how we can support our fellow HSPs as well as teach the rest of the world about us, and what we have to offer.

We humans know, discern, and understand what our world consists of through our senses. Sensual perception tells us how the world works. One of an HSP’s qualities is that of enhanced sensual perception. Perception that goes beyond the black and white vision of the normal world. Normal perception gives enough information to navigate through a lifetime. But the color world as perceived by Dorothy in Oz is more dazzling. And the vividness exposes that which cannot be seen by typical vision. A radiance which yields a deeper understanding to life.

Highly sensitive people everywhere are beginning to recognize the truly wonderful gifts that we have. While we acknowledge that we are not superior to anyone else, we also honor how our difference gives us certain advantages inaccessible to the other 80%-85% of the world.

With this blog, I hope to inform, enhance, and inspire. As you discern the unique idiosyncrasies of your uniqueness, life in Oz will soon become more comfortable.

Join me as we explore Oz together.

Copyright 2021, Monica Nelson

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Overwhelmed by Today’s Turmoil? 3 Steps to Gain Your Footing

Is it just me? Or, does the world seem to be in tumult? As an HSP, you and I are the first to feel when chaos and mayhem abound. It’s a precursor to something I call over overload.

This state can be scary to the HSP. You experience overwhelm. Catapulting your emotions into overdrive. The crush of negative feelings surrounds you. If that is not scary enough, what follows is worse. Your empathy seems to go AWOL. Without empathy, we feel lost. Our perception no longer makes sense.

I recently went through a rough patch. It was unbearable. These were the three principles I relied upon to pull me out:

Image courtesy of Alexas_Fotos on

1. Mental (Emotional) Toughness.

It starts with your mindset. I knew I had to rely on myself. No one else was going to pull me out of the state I was in. I began by focusing on my self-care. That meant I needed to stop certain behaviors, including:

  • Flooding my mind with destructive media attention,
  • Ignoring my HSP-specific self-care routines,
  • Dismissing my schedule and,
  • Allowing my mind to run amok.

I gathered my resolve and determined to make changes. These included:

  • Turning off needless and addicting media,
  • Returning to my mind quieting practices,
  • Restoring my daily routine and,
  • Getting a grip on and changing my mindset.

2. Physical Safeguards.

After controlling my mindset, I turned my attention to my physical care. This included:

Making sure I got enough sleep. And putting exercise back into my life. Walking proved to be a great help. I live in a rural setting, so it was easy to “walk in nature.” A meditative walk in nature proved to be a great antidote.

Meditation and relaxation techniques work on both the mind and body. These were especially helpful in my return to balance.

3. Spiritual Backup.

Faith is a great stabilizer. Belief in a higher power is reassuring. If you are an atheist or agnostic, find your spiritual help in nature. In either case, build that belief in yourself. You have the power to overcome adversity.

Images courtesy of Mohamed_hassan on

In my book Over Overloaded, I discuss cognitive reframing. This is when you change the way you look at a situation. Doing so makes the situation look positive rather than negative. This practice helps improve your self-confidence.

It’s also a spiritual construct. One that says, “All things work toward the good of everyone involved.” A belief like this is empowering. It allows us to relax. Stop worrying. And focus on the present.

I hope these three steps will help you endure and overcome any hardship. You may find you need more specific advice. You can find more information in my book. I wish you well in the future as we face challenges together.

Copyright 2025, Monica Nelson

Over Overloaded is currently available in ebook form.

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For Good HSP Self-care, Know and Understand These Differences in Body Chemicals

Since her book, Molecules of Emotion, came out, I have been a fan of the late Dr. Candace Pert. She and her research have been instrumental in legitimizing the new science of mind-body connection. Our minds are intricately connected to our bodies, and to the chemicals that do their work within our nervous systems.

Since the HSP nervous system differs from those of the rest of the population, it is an important step in your health to understand what those body chemicals do. And how they react within the “highly sensitive” nervous system.

When we review the common “health” information offered, we must remember that our nervous systems respond differently. It is crucial to analyze that information in the context of your own unique body.


Image courtesy of Geralt (Gerd Altmann) on

When I published my memoir, Mere Sense, my mother-in-law wanted to read it so I sent her a copy. She gave me feedback. Her only “negative” comment (and I don’t think it is negative, knowing myself as I do now) was that there were parts that were “too emotional” for her. Because of this she had to put it down for a while before returning to it. I sometimes forget that the rest of the world does not possess the same emotional vividness that I do.

In line with that strong emotional mindset, I also describe in that memoir, a social incident that caused so much stress, that I stood up and ran from the encounter. This was the triggering event in my life that caused me to seek out why I was so different from others. I learned that it had to do with my fight-or-flight response, which was strong due to my sensitivity. The heightened emotions I felt also contributed to my flight from the moment.

Norepinephrine (also known as noradrenaline) is linked to an HSP’s strong emotional response (including the fight-or-flight response). It is a neurotransmitter and hormone that is part of your sympathetic nervous system. It is key to an HSP’s emotional vividness, or your perception of emotional aspects of your life.

This is why your response to emotions is stronger than a non-HSP. It is why you pick up on emotional cues faster (or at all). This ability contributes to your powerful emotional empathy and ability to actually experience another person’s emotions.


Like many other HSPs, I struggled in workplace meetings when asked to contribute in real time. This is due to the fact that I have to mull things over before I feel comfortable giving my opinion. My depth of processing trait takes over and I am overwhelmed in my thoughts. They can take no clear direction until I have the time to process the details and see their interactions.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that makes you feel good. Its function is to help nerve cells send messages to one another. It also helps motivate you to complete certain tasks.

HSPs experience a different response to dopamine than the non-HSP. Our brains are less likely to be affected by dopamine. That unresponsiveness helps us with our depth of processing trait. We are more thoughtful, observant, and preoccupied with the details that lead us to our insightful conclusions.

I may not have been able to contribute on the spot, but I compensated for it by offering unique perspectives and input later.

Serotonin and Serotonin Transporter

Image courtesy of Geralt (Gerd Altmann) on Pixabay.

There were several childhood experiences that impacted my development into who I am today. I detailed some of them in my memoir.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter and hormone that is tasked with stabilizing our moods. Serotonin transporter is the chemical that carries serotonin out of the brain. Combined, these two move messages between nerve cells in both the brain and the body.

HSPs have a modified gene to the typical serotonin transporter called 5-HTTLPR. As a result, we have decreased serotonin, but gain an increase of sensitivity to our surroundings. Though we have less serotonin, we have an increased ability to learn from our experiences. Given these differences, it would follow that these negative childhood experiences played a large role in my life.

For those looking for scientific verification, this study’s results found that we are, indeed, more affected when it comes to adult life satisfaction.

Knowledge is the great impetus to learning how to take care of ourselves. But you can’t always rely on “cookie cutter” advice until you understand these chemical differences in your body vs. the average person. Arm yourself with specific knowledge. It will pay off in the end.

Copyright 2023, Monica Nelson

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Navigating the Non-HSP Communication Style

I recently came across an article in Inc. magazine offering advice to their readership on how to communicate so as not to offend their colleagues. It starts by telling the story of “Tom” who lost his job. Apparently, he knew that yelling at his co-workers was inappropriate, but had difficulty refraining from sour looks, sarcastic responses, and keeping his calm when someone made him angry. As a result, his colleagues thought he did not respect them, which made it difficult for them to respect him.

We HSPs are blessed with an ability to read signals like that with profound accuracy. Nonverbal cues, along with our intuitive empathy, lead us to an accurate read on most people’s true intention. This often makes it hard to communicate with people on an authentic level.

Image courtesy of Geralt (Gerd Altmann) on Pixabay.

It’s taken me years of being a highly sensitive person to finally understand that not everyone knows or understands how their communication comes across. These people come in two varieties:

Completely Unaware Folks

These are the people who have little to no awareness of their emotions or how the expression of those emotions cause pain in others.

There are two subsections to these people. The first is the kind that are unaware but not completely unempathic. You can usually educate them. Tell them how you are feeling. It may take several teaching sessions to get your point across, but most times you can get an empathic response, and communicate enough to get both parties’ points across.

The second subset are those who are so lost in their own world of pain that it is impossible to communicate with them in any authentic way. I heard these people described once in a most apropos way: They “live their lives in front of an audience of one . . . themselves.” These are toxic people – generally the kind it is best to stay away from.

If it is not the kind of relationship where you can avoid them, use the grey rock method of communication. Simply put, make your communication with them superficial and as unengaging as possible.

Image courtesy of ThomasWolter on Pixabay.


These are people who are capable of being aware of their emotions enough to understand how they really feel, but refuse to acknowledge it. People who deny their feelings present a challenge. It is difficult to break through another person’s denial unless they are willing participants.

I’ve found that an attitude of nonjudgment helps set the scene for your best results. People are different. They have different issues. Sometimes those issues are deep hurts that they are unable or unwilling to deal with. Use your intense empathy skills, patience and tolerance to rise above the situation. Communication with them should be kind, gentle, and loving, but firm. Set your boundaries and hold fast to them. Use your depth of processing skills to gather as much intel as possible from them. Active listening is a great tool for that. Then, explore different ways of looking at the situation. Practice compassion.

There may be toxic people in this group too. If you can’t break through, and you’ve done everything you possibly can, switch to grey rock mode (as described above).

An HSP’s communication style is open, honest, and tactful. In the world of non-HSPs, it is hard to find people who use this style. Some styles are even hurtful, abusive, and manipulative. Be prepared for those with the strategies above.

Copyright 2023, Monica Nelson

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A Look at HSP Options to Combat Noise Pollution

As a highly sensitive person, certain noises, especially irritating personal habits (someone chomping on ice, popping gum, or making sucking noises with their mouth) drive me through the roof. Those kinds of noises overstimulate my nervous system, and make me want to scream while pulling my hair out. As a fellow HSP, you can probably relate.

Noise pollution is a trigger for HSP overstimulation.

So, when the Spring/Summer issue of my alumnae magazine arrived, one of the titles on the cover caught my attention. A professor there was studying whether and how certain noises can calm an “unquiet” mind. In particular, Prof. Dan Berlau was looking into specific sounds identified as white, pink, and brown noise. I was fascinated. I’d heard of white noise before, but not the varieties known as pink or brown.

White Noise

White noise sounds like a hum, similar to the sound of an electric fan. The frequencies of white noise emit at the same level, creating a sound some people find pleasant and calming. In other words, all frequencies of the sound can be heard at the same level.

Pink Noise

Similar to white noise are the sounds identified as pink and brown. Pink noise is a softer sounding noise created by playing low frequencies louder than the high ones. People often find this waterfall-like sound even more comforting than white noise, and use it as a sleep aid.

Brown Noise

Brown noise, on the other hand, turns up the lower frequencies while softening the higher ones. It turns out brown noise is being used to help create the same effects on the brain as popular ADHD drugs.

This safe and drug-free alternative is also costless. You can access different versions of all three of these on YouTube. Something I definitely am going to check out.

I am open to using these noises as a way to calm my own “unquiet” mind.

Binaural Beats

I’ve had success with binaural beats already. These sounds have not only helped calm my overstimulated mind, but helped me gain focus and has supported my creativity.

All I knew about binaural beats was that it required listening to sounds through headphones, resulting in increased performance in a certain area. I have since learned that those sounds are actually two tones played at a different frequency in each ear. Hearing tones of different frequencies creates an anomaly for which your brain tries to compensate for by creating the perception of a third sound. Listening to binaural beats can, over a period of time, change your brain wave activity and levels of arousal.

There is still much to be learned from our sense of sound, and more acutely how those sounds affect the highly sensitive person with that person’s already easily stimulated nervous system. But in the meantime, there is very little harmful side effects. Some people report irritability or frustration. To prevent these reactions: 1) Start with a few minutes, and build up slowly; and/or 2) add additional sounds, like a track of white noise.

To safeguard against potential hearing loss, always listen at a comfortable hearing level. Never go over 85 decibels.

Noise pollution can sidetrack even the most efficient HSP, but there are free and safe methods to counteract its harmful effects. I hope these options are ones you find desirable to investigate for yourself.

Copyright 2023, Monica Nelson

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When HSP Radar Tells You Something You Don’t Want to Know

Reading Time: < 4.5 minutes

In our family there is one person who has been the focus for many years of both the family and the compassionate community at large. This person is determined to follow a self-destructive path. Insidious by nature, he takes what he can get from everyone around him with no seeming regard for anyone else. He has, over the years, honed a certain charm that people fall into. They fall into it until it bites them where it hurts most and can no longer be denied. Then, when they get wise, they cast him out of their lives.

For some people, this happens quickly. For others, we drag on thinking enough compassion, enough love, enough doing for him will one day have a positive impact. And he will wake up and realize that he has everything it takes to have a successful life. All he has to do is choose it.

Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann (Geralt) on Pixabay.

For me, I have particularly struggled with this situation. I want with all my heart to see him turn his life around. But my HSP senses tell me otherwise. I am in the horrifying position of watching a train wreck in slow motion (if you will excuse the cliché).

My outlook is different from others. Where someone may react to a specific incident in and of itself, I look at the whole picture. And I believe in seeing the best in everyone. This can cloud my perspective because I can see that good things can come from bad.

As an HSP, I pick up subtleties in the environment, read body language, and notice the details in how a person reacts to situations, words, and challenges. Through that assimilation, I take those bits of information and I piece them together. Analyzing them, I make deductions, hypotheses, and predictions that non-HSPs have a hard time intuiting. I take those subtleties and combine them with another trait: depth of processing.

Much of my knowing comes from this blending of sensitivity traits. I no longer pay much attention to the underlying process. Especially as I have gotten older. It happens so fast and automatically that I surprise myself. I suspect it is also true for you.

This is a very powerful trait to have when navigating life. Who wouldn’t want to know seemingly hidden insights as long as their warning is something we can fix? Something that we can work on and find satisfaction in changing it for the better? But what happens when it is something we don’t want to know? Or, something we cannot change?

This is how I am dealing with my own situation.


I cannot change another person. I can only change myself. This is a life lesson that I am to learn. And, it is a difficult one. You can do only so much to help a person get their life together. You have to reach a point where you have to let the rest go. Then, actually let it go. Trust that it is all working out for the best for everyone involved.

Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann (Geralt) on Pixabay.

Take a Different Perspective

I believe that everyone’s purpose on earth is to become the best person that they can be. Challenges help us do just that. It is not for me to say why one person has more challenges than another. Life is not fair. But we have enough flaws of our own. It is not our job to “fix” anyone else’s problems.

If we love someone, of course, we will want to help. If we are asked to help, a loving response is called for (within reason). Service to others is part of our own personal growth.

But we need to learn where and when to draw that line.

Allow What is to Be

The world seems like one big ball of chaos. But if you look at the details (and dear HSP, you are more than capable of doing that), you will find that there is a reason for what happens. We don’t always know it while it is happening, but there is. Sometimes we see the eventual purpose. Sometimes we don’t. Let it be. And have faith that it is.

It can be challenging for an HSP to understand what our insights are telling us to do. After all, why do we have them if not to use them for good? The key here is to know when to stop and let life evolve as it will. Because it will, despite your efforts to change it.

Copyright 2023, Monica Nelson

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Compassionate Response Needs a Fourth H to be Valid

When people are going through difficult or challenging circumstances, they need comfort from others. That comfort helps them deal with the overwhelming emotions that bombard them. People in these circumstances naturally turn to HSPs for solace. They may not be able to explain exactly what they need. But when they come to you, it is one (or any combination) of three reactions they are seeking.

These are:

One: To be Helped

When a person finds themself in a challenging situation, it may be so overwhelming that they are unable to deal with it on their own. This is most common with children. This person will be in need of help to sort out the action that they need to take. And possibly, support in carrying it out.

Images courtesy of geralt (Gerd Altmann) on Pixabay.

Two: To be Heard

More often, with adults, they just simply need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. Allowing someone to express the thoughts that are populating their mind is a great service. Listening without judgment, people feel like they are validated. That their feelings are important, as it should be.

Three: To be Hugged

Just as important to being able to speak openly about a difficulty or challenge, is receiving a hug from someone. A hug is a physical manifestation of empathy. I care for you and what you are going through. I hurt along with you. The hug is a nonverbal gesture that often speaks more clearly than an entire dictionary of words.

Our responses are vital to providing the relief they are seeking. I believe there is one key element that helps us provide that much needed consolation. And in the most effective way possible. This element is humility. We must approach each request for help with the humbleness of a saint. After all, this person has reached out to us in a time which, for them, is a dark moment in their life. They trust us with their most vulnerable moments.

Deliver Your Message of Solace with the Fourth H: Humility

Our response first relies on finding out which of the above the person seeking comfort needs from us. In our intuitive way, we often know what that might be. But sometimes, we don’t. It’s okay to ask. Especially if we are not very familiar with that person.

  • What do you need from me?
  • How can I help?
  • May I give you a hug?
  • Is there anything I can do for you?
Images courtesy of Wilgard (Krause) on Pixabay.

All simple questions that allow that person to clarify what they are looking for from you.

Next, give the appropriate time and effort to their appeal. If help is requested, find out the details and follow through with any promises you make. If they want to talk, be sure to listen with full attention. If a hug is what they are asking for, make it genuine. Let them decide how long to hold the hug.

Using humility in our responses means that we set aside any ego and self-interests to give our full attention to that person.

Being humble also means that when we have given of ourselves, we need to replenish our energy. Take time for ourselves to allow our over-stimulated nervous systems time to recuperate.

Our empathy makes us well-suited to provide comfort to others. Bring about the best results by adding the H of humility to your efforts to help.

Copyright 2023, Monica Nelson

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Empathy – Don’t Abuse It or You’ll Lose It

I’m an imposter.

Lately, I’ve wondered if I really am who I say I am. Forty years ago, I discovered that I was a sensitive person. I’ve spent the intervening years finding out more about my sensitivity. Learning all its nuances. Becoming aware of every aspect of the part of me that is ruled by sensitivity.

Then, several months ago, my reaction to certain events and occurrences changed. Seemingly, out of the blue, my empathy seemed to disappear. I felt numb to situations that previously tugged at my heart. The emotion, the tears, the compassion was gone.

I wondered what happened. Had I fooled myself all these years? Had I been claiming a trait that I never really had? Or, had it suddenly disappeared? Morphed into a dispassionate blob of human nothingness? And all this after I had finally come to discover just how much I loved being highly sensitive.

Image courtesy of Rihaij on Pixabay.

I tried to ignore this state of mind while the concern simultaneously simmered below my surface, Until the other day when I stumbled across this article. It’s excellent. I would recommend reading it and adding it to your personal library. It enlightened me to the very real affliction called empath shutdown otherwise known as empath burnout.

When we get out of balance; when we become so overwhelmed with stimuli, we can burst the fragile bubble of our sensitive awareness. When we put too much pressure on our already overworked nervous systems, we can topple that balance quickly.

It is common among those employed in caregiver-type occupations. But personally, I believe it has become more susceptible to the rest of the HSP population since the pandemic began three years ago. Add to that the world conflict and our country’s own political and racial strife, and there is a greater chance that these circumstances will affect even more highly sensitive people.

We must all be aware of this pressure’s potential for damage and the absolute need for good nervous system hygiene. In other words, take good care of yourself.

Image courtesy of Riedelmeier on

Maybe, I’m not the imposter after all. Just burned out.

I try to promote the ways I use to be kind to myself, but I think this requires even more diligence to remain safe. I will be researching even more ways we all can use to keep burnout from stealing our gift of sensitivity, And I will keep you updated of my progress.

Until then, stay safe and carry on . . .

Copyright 2023, Monica Nelson

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Seven Steps to Take Now to Limit Your Empath Agreeableness

Agreeableness is one of five personality traits the psychiatric world uses to determine personality. Differences in those five traits, memorialized in the acronym OCEAN (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism) combine to determine our personalities. Agreeableness describes a person’s ability to put others needs before their own.

HSPs (and empath-HSPs) are familiar with and generally rank high in the agreeableness sub-traits due to our enhanced empathy and conscientiousness. The scale runs from highly agreeable to antagonistic. Highly agreeable people tend to be respectful, cooperative, humble, kind, and selfless. Desirable attributes. And many that we as HSPs (and empaths) possess.

While agreeableness is advantageous, it can go too far. Being too agreeable can put you at a disadvantage, as you see in the following steps to help you limit your agreeableness to an appropriate amount.

One: Strengthen Your Confidence

Confidence-building exercises are the backbone for change. Due to a long-standing ignorance of our positive attributes, we have often been misunderstood, leading to an undermining of our worth. Be accepting of all your thoughts, emotions and sensitivities. Find that quiet acceptance of the wonder of who you are.

Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann (Geralt) on Pixabay.

Two: Know and Set Appropriate Boundaries for You

HSPs and empaths notoriously have thin boundaries. Because of these porous boundaries, we can become vulnerable to exploitation. For more on this subject, see this post.

Three: Get Comfortable with Conflict

Conflict is hard for HSPs and empaths. We don’t like hurt other people’s feelings. Maintaining the status quo is most comfortable for us. But when we do that, we rob the world of our well-thought-out opinions. If we do step forward with an idea, and it is challenged, we are uncomfortable fighting for that opinion (no matter how strongly we believe in it).  Our contribution, however, has worth, and when it is appropriate, we must face our fear of conflict, and persevere.

Four: Determine Who You Can and Can’t Trust

As peacemakers, we want to assume that everyone is honest and trustworthy. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, we know that we are often the target of toxic people who want nothing more than to exploit our trustful nature. For more on this subject, see this post.

Five: Learn to Delegate

We take on a lot of responsibility – sometimes too much. We would rather do something ourselves than delegate it to another equally capable person. This can and does, in the long run, lead to burnout. Start slowly at first. It will feel uncomfortable until you have done it a few times. If it is a problem for you, think of it this way: You insult the capable people around you if you are not trusting them to do what they are fully able to do and do well.

Image courtesy of Alexas_fotos on Pixabay.

Six: Put Your Wellbeing First

Being too agreeable puts a strain on us. You must learn to put your health and wellbeing into a priority position. Too much of anything is unwise. Too much agreeing nature drains us physically and emotionally. Promise yourself to take care to keep you at your most optimum self.

Seven: Make Appropriate Agreeableness a Priority

Do it now. The longer you put it off, the harder it becomes to make that change.

Agreeableness in a personality is a desirable trait. Most people appreciate cooperative, helpful, kind and considerate people. You don’t need to worry that you will stop being agreeable if you limit your agreeableness to appropriate levels. On the contrary, you are making the most of that wonderful trait for both yourself and the people around you.

Copyright 2023, Monica Nelson

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Six Steps Toward Greater HSP Creativity

In the first two posts of this series, we looked at the HSP advantage in intuition, and how we can support and train our intuition even further. We know that a strong intuition bolsters our already strong creativity.

HSPs are inherently creative. We crave the ability to express ourselves. We have strong emotions which are tied to and instigate strong expression. But there are also steps we can take to build an even stronger creative statement.

Forge Greater Intuition

We’ve already talked about that in our previous post. Intuition is where creativity is born. As an HSP, we think deeply on subjects that matter to us. Coupling the conscious with the subconscious creates powerful motivation. Within that motivation, creativity can prosper.

Image courtesy of Ermal Tahiri (ermaltahiri) on Pixabay.

Complete Creative Exercises

Most writers (especially when they experience writer’s block) will use writing prompts to stir their creative juices. Whatever your creative outlet is, there are ways to “practice” your art.

Not every piece of art need be a final product. The great musicians understand the value of practice to advance their skills. Whatever your art form, you need to nourish it for it to prosper.

Let Your Imagination Soar

Believe in the impossible. Allow your mind to go in whatever direction it wants to take you. Silence the inner critic, and let whatever comes from your spirit have free expression. You are unique. Your individuality is one-of-a-kind. No one else will create in the same way you do. Value that. Its priceless.

Realize the Importance of Innovation

My husband is always saying that he is not creative. Not true. He is driven to improve things. He comes up with all kinds of ideas on a new gadget that would help him save time. Or, when he refuses to buy an expensive tool because he can get the same outcome by a process or homemade device he created.

This is called innovation. It is the building of something based on what is already in place. Improvement or adapting a situation based on specific circumstances. We think of the car as a new invention taking place in the late 1800s. This invention could not have taken place without first the development of the internal combustion engine between the 10th and 13th centuries. Nor could it have occurred without the even earlier invention of the wheel.

Consider improving what already is. This is just as creative as the original.

Make Room for Play

The most creative people in the world are children. They play with unbridled enthusiasm. Play relieves stress, boosts energy, helps us to connect to one another, and improves brain function. It also relaxes your mind which allows creativity to flourish.

Apply Your Creativity to a Cause

Purpose drives human life. Purpose gives our lives meaning. You have been given a great gift in your sensitivity. Use it. The world is waiting for your contribution. Choose a cause close to your heart – one that you can address and contribute to in your own unique way. When we give of ourselves to others, life becomes extra rich.

Intuition and creativity are desirable traits open to every human being. HSP physiology gives us expanded resources to draw upon. These enable us to climb to higher realms. If you choose to put in the effort, you can achieve extraordinary results.

Copyright 2023, Monica Nelson

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Five Steps to Take to Fire Up Your HSP Intuition

As mentioned before, we all have access to the sixth sense. HSPs are way ahead of the game in this because our nervous systems are more attuned to subtleties. The key to developing a stronger intuition is paying attention to and taking steps to expand that awareness.

Below are five real steps that you can consciously take to gain a higher awareness and boost your intuition.

Work on Your Mindset

Mindset is the most important component in the formula below. Developing the right conscious mindset is the door that opens your subconscious where that intuition lies.

  • Meditate. A daily practice of meditation clears your head of cluttering thoughts, anxiety, and other toxic turmoil that stands in the way.
  • Believe in yourself. Intuition is no hocus-pocus. It is a real, scientific phenomenon.
  • Open your mind to possibilities. You can choose to believe that so much more is possible than the eye can see. Or, you can believe that the world is completely stagnant. All the great thinkers and inventors of the world dared to dream in what was once thought to be impossible.

Exercise your Subconscious

You strengthen the muscle that is your subconscious (where intuition resides) by using it.

  • Journal. Write every day. You can do this in any fashion you like. But the way I like to do it – that accesses my subconscious the most  — is fast writing. First, decide on a question you want answered. Get pen and paper (not the computer), set a timer for 10 minutes, then write whatever comes to your mind, without thinking about it, until your timer goes off. You’ll be surprised what comes from your writing.
  • Pay attention to your inner voice – Track and refine your gut feelings. HSPs are well-acquainted with their inner voice. Try keeping a log of what it tells you, your reaction, and what resulted.
  • Allow your inner guide room to work. Stop stifling that inner voice. It’s there for a reason.

Make Lifestyle Changes

Real change happens when you coordinate it with healthy habits.

  • Spend more time in nature – connect with animals. This is something we enjoy doing to start with, but sometimes we don’t value its importance to our health, including developing our sixth sense.
  • Develop self-care practices. When you take care of yourself, you clear the path for your mind to work efficiently.
  • Honor your need for solitude. When you spend time alone, you regenerate your energy. Again, necessary to allowing your intuition to grow.
  • Choose friends and companions wisely. We are especially susceptible to toxic people. When toxic people invade your space, they sap your ability to connect authentically with your subconscious.

Get Spiritual

We are physical beings living a spiritual life. Whatever your beliefs, make them the center, guiding force in your life.

Image courtesy of Dave M (D-G-M) on Pixabay.
  • Honor your soul. Your soul is wise beyond your physical mind. You are unique and special. Keep this truth foremost in your mind.
  • Develop your relationship with your higher power. Connection with your higher power provides strength and opens the door to miracles of the mind.
  • Become friends with your higher self. Your higher self, like your higher power, has abilities beyond physical comprehension.
  • Build your compassion. As you place a higher emphasis on compassion, intuition thrives. Conscientiousness is a trait we are endowed with. And it supports compassionate efforts. In this, we have an advantage. Use it.

Be Kind to Yourself

Above all, treat yourself well.

  • Accept your feelings without judgement. You are wise beyond what you give yourself credit for. Your feelings are the vehicle through which your intuition seeks you out.
  • Be patient with the process. The harder you try, the more difficult it will be. Allow the miracle that is your sixth sense to emerge on its own. If you follow these steps with patience, your intuition will come into its own.

While intuition is available to every human, it is a superpower for HSPs. Use these steps to strengthen and support your unique gifts as an HSP.

Copyright 2023, Monica Nelson

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